Discover Our Knee Pain Relief Protocol—
this Revolutionary, Non-Surgical, and Drug-Free Treatment Protocol could be your solution.

Now Offering

Consultation, Exam, X-rays (if needed), and First Treatment
ONLY $69!

An Integrative Approach to Knee Pain Relief

Knee Pain Relief Is Achievable through our multifaceted Knee Pain Relief Protocol

Knee Decompression

Knee Decompression is a new FDA-cleared, safe, gentle, and effective therapy for people who suffer from knee pain due to osteoarthritis, bone spurs, trauma-related knee pain, and other conditions that cause chronic knee pain. It helps replenish depleted synovial fluid within the knee joint, which is the fluid that lubricates the knee joint during movement. It also breaks down adhesions caused by injury to the knee. With chronic knee pain affecting your daily steps, improving your quality of life is of utmost importance.

Shockwave Therapy

Shockwave therapy uses energy from acoustic waves to induce microtrauma in the injured tissue. The microtrauma initiates the body's natural healing reaction. The healing response causes blood vessel formation, neovascularization, and an increase in the delivery of nutrients and blood flow to the targeted region. The microtrauma caused by Shockwave Therapy helps stimulate a repair process and relieve pain symptoms.

Deep Tissue Laser Therapy

Deep Tissue Laser Therapy or low-level light therapy is highly effective at treating chronic pain and acute injuries. The visible red light releases frequencies to the treated area to accelerate healing by increasing the cells' energy levels and improving communication between the cells. Bodies that have endured chronic injury can reap various benefits, such as pain reduction, improved muscle strength, and increased knee movement.

A Better Quality of Life Awaits!

Our Knee Pain Relief Protocol has transformed many patients' lives.

*Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person.

Knee Pain? Get relief with our Knee Pain Relief Protocol.

You don't have to live continuously in pain— our Knee Pain Relief Protocol can help you achieve significant knee pain relief. Redeem Your $69 Consultation, Exam, X-rays (if needed), and First Treatment!

Vastly Improve Knee Conditions!

Our Knee Pain Relief Protocol provides an effective alternative to surgery.


Degenerative Arthritis, Bone Spurs

Knee Pain Relief for Osteoarthritis

Reduce chronic knee pain and increase mobility with our Knee Pain Relief Protocol.

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Bone Erosion, or Joint Deformities

Knee Pain Relief for RA

Promote natural healing while decreasing inflammation with our drug-free therapies.


Cartilage, Tendons, or Ligament Injuries

Knee Pain Relief for Soft-Tissues

Increase synovial fluid and decrease inflammation to promote the natural healing of tissue damage.

Other Conditions

Bursitis, Tendonitis, or Chondromalacia

Knee Pain Relief for Knee Conditions

Relieve aches, pains, and stiffness after a few treatments, with no adverse side effects or recovery time.

The Safe Alternative to Knee Joint Replacement!

Avoid surgery recovery and complications with our Knee Pain Relief Protocol.
Knee Pain Relief is applied to the injured area The knee joint causing your pain will be examined, and then a custom treatment plan involving the therapies that best help your unique condition will be provided and reviewed with you.
the Acoustic waves induce microtrauma in damaged tissues Advanced therapies will be administered in a series of appointments outlined in your treatment plan to optimize your knee pain relief results.
during the repair process, new blood vessels form, circulation increases, inflammation decreases The therapies will work in unison to stimulate the natural repair processes of damaged tissues while relieving pain, stiffness, and inflammation.

Advantages of This Protocol

Safe and Effective

Non-Surgical, Drug-Free

Reduces Knee Pain and Stiffness

Promotes Natural Healing

Improves Knee Joint Functions

Replenishes Essential Nutrients

Increases Mobility

Decreases Inflammation

Treatment Under 30 Minutes

FDA-Cleared & Clinically Tested

Knee Injury? Recover with our Knee Pain Relief Protocol.

Don't miss this opportunity to get the much-needed relief you deserve from debilitating knee injuries. Redeem Your $69 Consultation, Exam, X-rays (if needed), and First Treatment!

Count On Our Medical Professionals!

Our team merges experience, dedication, and patient-focused care to provide genuine relief.
Dr. Paul Constante Dr. Paul Constante Owner/ Chiropractor
Dr Peter Grace Dr Peter Grace Chiropractor
Brandy Brandy Office Manager/ Case Manager
Mike Mike Floor Manager
Lyndsey Lyndsey Insurance Coordinator/ Medical Records Custodian
Deana Deana Massage Therapist
Alex Alex Floor Tech
Jack Jack Floor Tech
Delaney Delaney Receptionist
Aubrey Aubrey Receptionist